As a nonprofit, The Children's Museum of Wilmington relies on generous community partners to build interactive exhibits, provide educational programming, and serve the whole community while looking to our future. None of this would be possible without those who believe in our mission.
Corporate & Community Giving
Partner in Play
Starting at $10,000 some of the benefits include:
Invitation to exclusive CMoW engagements
Listed as Community Partner on our website
Mention at our hosted events and engagements
Social media mention with name and website link
Promotion as a Community Partner on our front desk welcome marquee
Starting at $25,000, some of the benefits include all of the Partner In Play benefits PLUS:
1 free Company month at the Museum
4 gifted Community Memberships to organizations that serve families in need
Starting at $50,000, some of the benefits include all of the Partner In Play benefits PLUS:
1 free Company month at the Museum
8 gifted Community Memberships to organizations that serve families in need
Starting at $100,000, some of the benefits include all of the Partner In Play benefits PLUS:
1 free Company month at the Museum
10 gifted Community Memberships to organizations that serve families in need
1 Exclusive Adventure Pass to use

Help us continue to provide important educational programming in our Daily Programs and Community Outreach for all.

Support the Museum by sponsoring a hands-on, interactive exhibit for over 60,000 visitors to experience each year.

Grow the Museum's fundraising efforts by sponsoring an in-house event or annual fundraiser.
Learn more about partnership opportunities by contacting Director of Development, Patti Erkes at perkes@playwilmington.org or give us a call at 910-254-3534 ext. 104.